Saturday, March 19, 2011


 Curry Chicken  is a typical dish in Jamaica and other Caribbean islands.

Ocho Rios waters

Push Cart..Do you remember the movie Cool Runnings?Well this is the same cart they were pushing..
"What is a push cart? Pushcarts are those homemade carts that can be seen all acrossJamaica. They are used as a moving restaurant (vendors who sell food etc), to transport items (mainly merchandise to the market, but some are used as moving trucks) or as a racing cart (similar to North America soap box) in Push cart derbys held across the island. Push-carting began as a grassroots sport and has become a very popular event."

People Watch ...

Jamaican Ackee

"Ackee is the national fruit of Jamaica and is borne in clusters on an evergreen tree. Its name is derived from the West African Akye fufo. The tree is not endemic to the West Indies but was introduced from West Africa during the 18th century. Ackee trees are found across the island of Jamaica but the main producing areas are located in Clarendon and St Elizabeth. There are two bearing seasons: between January to March and June to August.The fruit turns red on reaching maturity and splits open with continued exposure to the sun. Traditionally it is at this time that the ackees are harvested and the edible portion (the arilli) removed and cleaned in preparation for cooking. This delicacy is enjoyed by many at breakfast or as an entree."

Green Hills over Montego Side

Ocho Rios waters

Jamaican local market..The typical fruits of Jamaica are:
Otaheite Apple – Also called Malay Apple. The fruit is oblong to pear shaped with a dark red skin and white flesh; sometimes it is seedless. The plant may used as a remedy for diabetes and constipation. 
Avocado or as they call it Pear... 

Breadfruit - A good source of vitamin C, breadfruit is the size of a large melon. Unripe, they are green and their flesh resembles a potato - hard, white, and starchy. Breadfruit is used in savory and sweet dishes according to its ripeness.

Cerasse - Also known as Chinese bitter melon; this fruit is edible when harvested green and cooked. The taste is bitter. Cerasse can also be used to make a tea that is said to be able to cure ailments from indigestion to Cancer.
Guinep - A small, grape-like fruit with a green skin and a large seed surrounded by a thin layer of sweet, fleshy pulp.
Jackfruit has a hard “spiky” outside shell and the inside fruit is yellowish with a sweet taste and aroma. It contains anywhere from 100 - 500 oval seeds.
June Plum - These egg-sized fruits are borne in clusters of up to a dozen or more.  Fruits are thick-skinned, fibrous, and drop from the tree while green.  Before turning yellow, the flesh is crisp and somewhat acidic.  It can be eaten out-of-hand, but is also prepared by stewing fruit with sugar.
Mammy – Also called Mammy Apple is large and round weighing up to 7lbs.It has a thick light brown skin and its taste can be compared to that of a mango. Each tree can grow up to 75 feet and can yield 300 to 400 fruits. Powder made from mammey apple seeds can be used either as a dusting agant or in a solution as a spray.
Jamaican Mangoes - Most mangoes start off with a dark green skin color and develop patches of gold, yellow, or red as they mature. The skin is smooth and encloses yellow to orange flesh that is softly moist and richly flavored. There are hundreds of different varieties of mangoes.
Naseberry -. The flesh varies from yellow to shades of brown and sometimes reddish-brown, and may be smooth or of a granular texture. The flavor is sweet and pleasant, ranging from a pear flavor to crunchy brown sugar. Fruits can be seedless, but usually have from 3 to 12 hard, black, shiny, flattened seeds.

Sorrel – An annual plant, it is used in jelly and in juice.The leaves and young stems are edible and used in salads or cooked as a vegetable. Powdered dried red sorrel is added to commercial herb teas such as Red Zinger for flavor and color.
Soursop - The pulp of this fruit is creamy and may be eaten as is or used to make ice cream and as a juice. The fruit is large, can weigh as much as six pounds, and take between 20 and 25 weeks to reach maturity. The tree of this fruit may reach a height of about thirty feet.
fruits info via JAMAICANS.COM

Ocho Rios Sunset...

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